
i'm le tired

you know, i think the reason i don't write in a personal journal is.. because i'm an attention whore.

'look at me! look at me! i WRITE things! yaaaaay!'

psh, yeah, whatever, totally lame. the past month has been a fun exercise in writing, cause if you looked, i averaged about 4 posts a month.. once a week. not much at all, and i have thoughts and ideas swirling around in my head all day. things i just wished i put down on paper or through the computer.. but nothing ever came of it. i know a lot of my post this month have been.. for lack of a better term, utter shit, but at least i came and put something down. before, it was 'brilliant thought!' with absolutely no follow-through.

but i got better at it.. well, a little better anyway.

and you may have noticed some steamy subjects. in all honesty, i wish i could put more of them up. this post comes to mind. i can't help myself really, my personality and they way i present myself.. it's all sexually charged. harmless for the most part [except for anal-wednesdays], and i just like to have fun with it. you know, i don't get ass every day [or any for the last year], so if its my perverse release, then damn it, get out of the way. it might be messy.

and sure, that stuff can be a little personal, and it may be too much info, but man, it feels great putting it out there, along with anything else i feel proud of. my pictures, i love them, and i'm sure everyone can find one they love, too, of the hundreds i have posted. my topics? something for everyone, every once in a while. methodical, philosophical, personal, comical, sexual.. it's all there. the ranges are all there, and it helps show who i am.

and thanks. i know the readership is smaller than anything floating around on the web, but to know at least one person comes on here is great. thanks youri. thanks phung. thanks nimmie. and sometimes, thanks lindsay. i know brady used to come on here, and even though we don't talk anymore, thanks [jerk].

image.. now has the 'nike' 'leave nothing' motto.. i'm pathetic, i know :P


phung said...

you're welcome. haha, le tired. you're funny.

phung said...

oh and i read the lust blog. and i know EXACTLY. what.. you.. mean.

phung said...

i see no new post!! helllo!!!