
THe aNAtoMi3z OF teh F123@k iV: HaX0rs m@d l337 3D1T10nZ

ok ok ok ok ok ok ok

so fuck, i'm a little weird. i can accept that.

but i won't accept are labels. do not label me, or attempt to label me. a label means that their is a belief, or an assumption, of who i be. you. do. not. know. me. all your analytical thoughts and psychobable result in just that. you can conjure up an image and say, 'yeah, that's hieu,' but you'd be so wrong, it's embarrassing.

i am who i am, and that in itself changes on a daily basis. today i'm angry. today i'm horny. today i'm so happy, i prance along down the street hugging strangers and kissing babies while throwing daisies every-which-fucking-way. and that image you had of me in your head, if i fit the description for just one day in my life, would you still claim to have me figured out? that you understand me?

and here's where i try to differ; go 'head, act like you know, i won't get wild, i'm not unlike anyone you've seen in a while. i won't argue to your face and defend my name and soul, i'll just turn the other cheek and realize that's the impression i gave to that person. but if you really know me, and psh, no one really does, you'd know that i don't beg for your understanding, for your acceptance to be considered normal, or to be considered different. i don't crave the attention that 'different' people desire so; the anonymity that the masses hold so dear; i only wish that people would take me as i am and realize that i don't want you to fold me up into a neat and simple idea.. stop trying to understand me, and instead, live with me. i promise i'll do the same if you allow me.

i think i've spent too long brooding by myself, i'm going to go find me a girl. a girl that will appreciate my brand of love [and loving] and hopefully will enjoy exploring as much as i do, and i don't mean gay 21-questions; i'm talking about connecting a level that transcends what we're used to, and obtain a love so peculiar, she'd remember me forever, even after our relationship ends, and she'd tell the story to her grandchildren about a love she once had..

i know, it's crazy.


Anonymous said...

like, i know him. but i DONT know him! we keep eachother guessing. its fun.