
my weak week

so.. lots of things this week.. i think. not really, i just wrote a couple things. i stayed the week up in new jersey, so i could finally stop driving back and forth everyday.. you know, leaving at 8 in the morning and coming home at 9 at night isn't as much fun as i thought it'd be.

enough chatter, let me see some pictures damnit!









a] i live in jersey now? the state i abhor? someone shoot me, it's one of the things i never thought i'd do, along with getting an apple computer.. which is alarm for mass suicide and homicide, all by myself!

b] after closing, i drove around for a bit, caught some dynamic shots of the setting sun and the rising moon. met these guys while i was filling up near the apt. i was staying at. cool group, happy to have some shots taken. the dude in the gsx-r [middle, blue] asked what magazine it was for! do i give off that vibe?

c] these guys were skatin' outside the store, and i had to get some action shots. when i came out of the store with the camera, they kinda went away. not sure if they were thinking i was trying to get them into trouble, but when i walked up and asked if they wanted me to take pictures of them skating, they were all for it. i was the proverbial, mental redbull they needed to attempt an ollie.. the last shot? the only successful landing.

d] got keys made. i have copies to the apt. and the store. some burglary is called for, no? also bought a lot of books. LOTS. i haven't purchased this many books since my freshman year, and those were mandatory. what the hell is wrong with me?

e] the store. not much to say, besides it's a place with a bunch of pretenders without formal training.

'hi, how may i butcher your hands/feet today?'

that should be our official motto. not sure how the boss would like that one, though..

f] if the eyes are the windows to the soul, then what's the mouth?

for some, it's the doorway with a wall very close to the opening ;P

g] explored the consignment shop next door. what a cool place, it's like a garage sale without the haggling.. you know, if you're 50.

h] it rained a little.

i] and i took off like a bandit. the longer i stay in jersey, the more convinced i am of becoming a real asshole.


weeks end

JEE, what am i reduced to? counting the weeks? isn't it summer time? shouldn't the days and weeks meld together 'til it's time to go back to school? it should, damnit!

but, besides that, i'm missing out on living life; running around and playing in the grass with my cat, swimming in the ocean waters with my friends, sharing a laugh with my family.. these missed opportunities add up, and before you know it.. you're dead.

like van wilder quoted from someone undoubtedly smarter than the premise of the movie; don't take life too seriously, you'll never make it out alive.


i see you!

i'm hooked! the camera is starting to become an addiction for me, i can't get enough. and the blue on the lens slightly turns me on.. that's normal, right?

i shot an image 2 days ago with a 30s shutter speed. this is on the opposite extreme, at 1/4000s.


lonely desperate asian looking for complete opposite m4w

HI! I'm asian, you are not. If you are, move on, I have this weird thing of you reminding me of my sisters, which essentially turns me softer than frozen yogurt in the summer heat. How i'm supposed to plug you with that, I haven't a clue.. and I'll probably be crying during the act.. actually, if you are asian.. whatever.

HI AGAIN! As I explained, I'm looking for anything not remotely related to the asian race [maybe]. You can be white, black, albino, inside-out, it doesn't matter, I'm not picky and extremely flexible, as I'm sure you'd have to be in order to reply to this self-deprecating excuse of a human being. That's not to say I'm not hot; I am, I'm probably the sexiest asian beast you could possibly lay your eyes upon, and why women don't hound me on a hourly basis is far beyond my boundless asian comprehension.

I'm asian, so that means I'm short. Yes, 5'7" is short, and by thinking you're 5'8" with shoes on is not being honest. If I can't be honest on a post without a face-to-face, how can you expect me to be honest when you ask where half of your worn panties went [and half of those are period-panties]? and don't think 5'7" is average either, that's taking into consideration midgets and those legless from the waist down. So, if you are black, I'm going to be about eye-level with your tits most the time. If it's cool with you, it's cool with me.

I'm also a bit chubby. OK OK, I'm fat, but I move extremely well for a fat person, which I can directly associate with being asian, having that ninja/kung-fu gene we're all blessed with. And while we are talking about inheritances, my family does consist of a pharmacist and entrepreneurs, and I'm the only one that does nails. I copped out, but can you really blame me? That means I'll buy you a bunch of nice things and it'll make you feel better about actually having sexual intercourse with me.

The last part is a requirement. 'Me so horny' is actually something i blurt out, another inheritance. You know what they say about guys with big hands, big feet, big ears, etc.. only I'm asian, which negates all of that and leaves me with something roughly the size of a pencil you knawed on in 4th grade until it got to the metal eraser clip. 'That's so cute!!!' and 'my little brother has one like that!!!1!' has been said to me on a normal basis. I'm not offended, really! But, to compensate for that, I have a John Holmes add-on that will remind you of your black-ex, and my tongue stomps like those boys from 'Stomp the Yard.' Driving you wild with it is not a question of 'if', but a matter of 'how many neighbors will you wake up?' Hey, I have to make up for it somehow.

I'm asian, so that means I'm a geek. Yes, I will probably want to look at tech stuff more than I want to spend time listening to how your ex cheated and gave you syphilis [which you gave to me cause you didn't want to get tested] and will make a computer program to give out the appropriate responses as I masturbate to the newest Canon 1D MarkIII being compared alongside the Nikon D2xs with inserts of a Macbook Pro, all while intermittently scratching myself cause you possibly gave me crabs.

So there you have it! If you think you can hang with this hot hunk of man-boy, shoot me an email and we'll discuss why you could possibly even consider this after the 1st sentence. Hope to eat you soon!


it's sooooooooooo easy to get caught up in a moment and be blind to all the movement around you. and i thought so highly of my ability to see and see clear. [sigh]



29. Don’t believe the crap about the patriarchy. More women are accepted and attend college. More degrees are awarded to women than men. Women outlive men. More men commit suicide. Men are twice as likely to be victims of violence, including murder. If you consider sexual assaults in prisons, twice as many men are raped as women (society thinks prison rape is funny). The streets are littered with homeless men, sprinkled with a few homeless women. Statically, women are happier than men. The myth that girls are being cheated by are educational system is belied by the fact that schools are bastions of femininity, mostly run by and taught by women. Girls outperform boys in school. It is the boys in school getting fucked over, and prescribed ritalin for being boys. Real wages for men are falling, while real wages for women are rising. Just because someone says something enough times, doesn’t make it true. You have nothing to feel guilty about.

_craigslist best of guy


summer vol.1 [post 100!!!!!]

summer if moving fast! what are you doing to make it worthwhile?



and why i can't roll around in the grass with him is absolutely beyond me..

