
w00t motherfucking w00t

i like too many things and get all confused and hung-up running from one falling star to another till i drop. this is the night, what it does to you. i had nothing to offer anybody except my own confusion.
_jack kerouac

story of my life. have a brew on me!


they say the best revenge is living well without them. if that were the truth, then god should strike me down for having the best revenge EVER. i've gone over the past destruction of my friendship with old chum brady, and recently, another has fallen, and it was even harder [the fall, not the emotional impact on my psyche XD].


why am i posting this for the world to see? because i feel like it. the faggotry in which i've endured all these years needs some sort of release short of slugging him in the face, and this just seems way too appropriate.

you see, this is not an attack at him per se, it's more of a reminder to be wary of the immense selfishness in which we're surrounded. for me, consider it lesson chalked down. i've implemented a rule that, if i were to encounter a being who is in this relationship for little more than their personal advancement at my expense, +ahem+, they can go fuck themselves. of course that's to be taken with some liberties and a grain of salt, as 99.9% of the relationships are selfish in 1 way or another, 'tis the overwhelming selfishness i'm looking to filter out of my life, the insignificant ones i'm more than happy to let go.

on a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero.
_tyler durden

it's elementary, your time was up, feller, may life lead you where you deserve to go.

AND SO, another one bites the dust :D

better luck next time